Sisters Brenda and Sasha-Lee Barnard suffered with debilitating migraines that left them with no quality of life and fearing their next attack. The nature of headaches differs per individual however, genetics may also play a role. After consulting with the Headache Clinic’s specialist team both Brenda and Sasha-Lee were diagnosed with muscle tension headache. They each made use of the PMA, a posture modifying appliance that treats the muscle tension component of headaches and permanently reduces pain by adjusting the resting position of the muscles of your head and neck. They also each underwent a minor surgical procedure to treat spasms in specific muscles.
They were successfully treated such that the frequency of their headaches reduced significantly resulting in a better quality of life and a better outlook on the future. Their mood brightened as they no longer had to worry about the fear of a migraine attack or unpleasant side effects of pain medication. Brenda attests that prior to visiting the Headache Clinic her work performance was below standard leading to many nights of working overtime to catch up. Brenda can now function at optimal level and meet deadlines with little to no effort as she has now regained her mental agility and can cope with everyday tasks.
The sisters applaud the Headache Clinic’s courteous staff who made them feel well taken care of especially when they missed home.
Myself (Brenda Barnard) and Sasha-Lee Barnard, take this opportunity to thank you and your staff, for all the help and assistance you have provided for us. The treatment received by you has made our lives livable, this is important as living every day in pain, was agony and dreadful (to wake up every morning, knowing full well what your day consists of, and that was pain!).”
Click here for downloadable PDF of the Barnard sisters testimonial.