Blog tagged as tension headache treatment

The Headache Clinic patient reviews: firsthand patient experiences
Read about how patients at The Headache Clinic conquered chronic and cluster headaches as well as migraines with our effective treatments and compassionate care, improving their quality of life.
Craniomandibular muscles, intraoral orthoses and migraine
Intraoral splints are effective in migraine prevention. In this review, changes in the quality of life of migraineurs treated with a palatal nonoccluding splint were measured
Migraine And Ischaemic Stroke
In this article, four possible mechanisms are discussed by which migraines and ischaemic strokes may be related. Read the article to find out the four possible mechanisms.
My kop klop 
Read this article to learn more about general headaches, stress related headaches, migraines, hormonal headaches, cluster headaches and painkiller related headaches.​
Headache causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
In this morning Live Interview with Dr Shevel from the Migraine and Headache Treatment Institute, you will learn all about headache and migraine causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment for migraines and headaches.
