Blog tagged as constant headache causes

Comment Observation and Rebuttals
In this article we discuss Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide (CGRP) and Migraine's Current Understanding and State of Development
The international headache society classification of migraine headache - A call for substantiating data
This article proves conclusively that there is no scientific basis for the International Classification of Headache Disorders (ICHD) criteria for the diagnosis of migraine (MI).
Migraine And Ischaemic Stroke
In this article, four possible mechanisms are discussed by which migraines and ischaemic strokes may be related. Read the article to find out the four possible mechanisms.
Pathophysiology of migraine 
In this article we discuss vascular changes being unrelated to the phase of a attack in a migraine.
My kop klop 
Read this article to learn more about general headaches, stress related headaches, migraines, hormonal headaches, cluster headaches and painkiller related headaches.​
