Blog tagged as sinus headache

Bonitas House Call Headache Clip 
Dr Elliot Shevel describes the different types of headaches and migraines in this video clip, watch to find out what they are.
Never Have A Headache Again
Never Have A Headache Again You don’t have to live with your…. Read more on the article by Elizabeth Atmore from FairLady Magazine.
Weather can cause your headaches
Research shows that the change of seasons, climate and environmental factors can all be contributing to your headaches. Read the full blog to find out more.
Symptoms of a hay fever headache
A change in season also brings a change in the pollen types that are in the air and these trigger headaches directly or cause hay fever with headaches.
Could your sinusitis actually be a migraine?
Migraine headaches are often misdiagnosed as sinusitis because of similar symptoms – and sinusitis medication can further aggravate head pain.
