Blog tagged as headache treatments

The dura and migraine
This article concerns the possible role of dural changes in migraine pain. The hypothesis that changes in the dura are important in migraine pain has become widely accepted among migraine scientists.
Role of extracranial arteries in migraine headache
In this article, evidence is presented to suggested that the extracranial arteries are the source of the pain in some migraine sufferers.
Migraine Headache Intensity And Intracranial Pressure
In this article we discuss migraine aggravation caused by cephalic venous congestion.
Migraine pain - intracranial or extracranial? 
In this article we debate where primary headaches originate from.
Headache education for medical students 
Vasodilatation of the extracranial arteries is most certainly linked not only to migraine pain but to the timing of migraine pain
