Blog tagged as migraine triggers

Cervical muscles in the pathogenesis of migraine headache
In this article we discuss vascular changes being unrelated to the phase of a attack.
Weather can cause your headaches
Research shows that the change of seasons, climate and environmental factors can all be contributing to your headaches. Read the full blog to find out more.
The Jaw muscles and central sensitization in migraine
This blog investigates the evidence of jaw muscle involvement in central sensitisation. The importance of central sensitisation in migraine has been well-documented.
The Extracranial Vascular Theory of Migraine
Over the years, there has been a considerable amount of controversy as to whether the vascular component of migraine pain arises from the intracranial or the extracranial vessels or both.
Role of extracranial arteries in migraine headache
In this article, evidence is presented to suggested that the extracranial arteries are the source of the pain in some migraine sufferers.
